pablo escobar | biography and facts | king of cocaine


Pablo escobar another name of king of cocaine was a colombian drug lord and narcoterrorist who was the founder and sole leader of the medellin cartel. escobar is the wealthiest criminal in history, having amassed and estimatednet worth of US$ 30 billion by the time of his death - equivalent to $70 billion as of 2022 while his drug cartel monopolized the cocaine trade into the united states in the 1980's and early 1990's 


Birth - 1 december 1949,  colombia

Died -  2 december 1993, colombia 

Cause of death - gunshot wound to the head

Other names -

  •  the king of cocaine 
  •  drug lord
  •  the king of crack 
  •  the godfather
  •  killing pablo
Criminal - 5 years imprisonment

born in rionegro and raised in medellin, escobar studied briefly at universidad autonoma latinoamericana of medellin, but left without graduating he instead began engaging in criminal activity. selling illegal cigarettes and fake lottery tickets, as well as participating in motor vehicle theft. in the early 1970's he began to work for various drug smugglers, aften kidnaping and hold people for ransom.

he was the third child of seven children and grew up in the neighboring city of medellin. his father was a small farmer and his mother was a teacher. escobar left his school before his 17th birthday, and two years later re returned to highschool with his cousin. at this time, the hard life on the streets of medellin had polished them into gangster bullies in the eye of teachers. the two dropped out of the school after more than a year, but escobar, who did not give up, briefly become autonomous in latin america by forging high school diplomas, studied in the collage with the goal of becoming a criminal lawyer and politician, and eventually president, but had to give up because of lack of money.

Cocaine distribution;

escobar begans his criminal career in 1966. escobar is rumored to have started his criminal career with gang by stealing tombstones, standblasting their inscriptions, and reselling them and though his most likely first crime was street fraud. after dropping out of school, escobar begans to join car theft gang, and at the age of 20 was already a house hold name for car thieves. he and his gang stole cars and dismantled them to sell their parts, and with enough money on hand, escobar bribed officials to launder his loot. while arrest record have been lost, escobar apparently sat in a medellin prison for several months before his 20th birthday. escobar soon become involved in violent crime, employing criminals to kidnap people who owed him money and demand ransons, sometimes tearing up tickets even when escobar received the ransoms. his most famous kidnapping victim was bussinessman diego echavarria who was kidnapped and eventually killed in the summer of 1971. escobar received a $50.000 ransom from the echavarria family, and his gang also become famous because of it. 

Escobar at the height of his power; 

escobar spents millon developing some of medellin poorest neighborhoods. he helped build road, powerlines and soccer fields. he also built housing complexes for the homeless peoples. escobar also involved in politics in 1970's and participated in the supported the formation of the liberal party of the colombian law.

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